Etterlyser Tudor-historikere

26. april 2011
1. jeg får ikke helt tak på forholdet Rolex-Tudor: Tudor ble startet av Rolex´grunnlegger for å selge kvalitetsur til dem som ikke kunne betale for en Rolex. Men eide Rolex Tudor, eller Wildorf selv? Har Tudor alltid vært drevet som eget selskap eller som en Rolex-avdeling? Og hvem eier Tudor i dag? Har det alltid vært to egne selskaper med noe design og dele-utveksling? Er det noe som helst forbindelser mellom disse brandene i dag? Etc.
2. Tudor submariner heter Prince Oysterdate. Regner med det er pga Oysterkassen, men er den identisk med Rolex sine kasser? Størrelsene og stålet er bl.a. ulike. Når sluttet Tudor med submarinerne sine? 1999? Var det også et veiskille for andre avtaler?
3. annet relevant om Tudor, spesielt i relasjon til Rolex?
Det er egentlig bare å google "Tudor watch" så kommer det opp masse historie som denne linken:

Grovt sett var Tudor tidligere oysterkasser med ETA urverk. Det stod Tudor på skiven, men Rolex på baklokket og lenken og klokken hadde "Rolexkronen" opp til ca 1990. Tudor har i de senere årene prøvd å skape sin egen identitet, blandt annet med å sponse motorsport og samarbeid med Ducati.

En del info om gamle modeller på denne linken:


Rolex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Montres Tudor SA has designed, manufactured and marketed Tudor brand watches since March 6, 1946. Rolex founder Hans Wildorf conceived of the Tudor Watch Company to create a product for authorized Rolex dealers to sell that offered the reliability and dependability of a Rolex, but at a lower price.
Tudor brand watches are manufactured by Montres Tudor SA using movements supplied by ETA SA.
Tudor brand watches are marketed and sold in most countries around the world including Australia, Canada, India, Mexico, South Africa, most countries in Europe, South Asia, the Middle East and countries South America, particularly Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela.
Montres Tudor SA discontinued sales of Tudor branded watches in the United States in 2004. Tudor will return to the United States in the summer of 2013.

In 1905 Wilsdorf launched his own company in England and started producing high quality watches. Then in 1908, he registered the "Rolex" brand in La Chaux-de-Fonds Switzerland. The company remained in England fifteen years approximately and in 1920 moved to Geneva.

It was not until 1946 that Hans Wilsdorf first opened Tudor. Wilsdorf chose the name Tudor because he wanted to honor the Tudor period of England.

The Tudor watches used the Tudor Rose signed on the dial which is the heraldic emblem of England and takes its origin from the Tudor dynasty. Ending 1960's Tudor changes its famous Rose sign for the actual Shield sign.
The main difference between Rolex and Tudor could be seen already in the 40's when the first Rolex Tudor Oyster was introduced: Inside the screwed-in Oyster case, instead of a Rolex manufactured movement, there was a movement supplied by Ebauches SA, ETA.

Throughout the years, Rolex Tudor Chrono models stands out since the brand manufactures them from the beginning with valijoux movements that were modified and improved for Rolex Tudor watches (similar to those manufactured for Rolex chronographs) including exotic dials such as the Rolex Tudor Montecarlo series with diverse colors and designs.

Rolex Tudor chonograph movements evolved from manual to automatic, with deeper cases and plastic crystals.

Moreover, Rolex Tudor manufactured ladies' and men's watches with the same size as Rolex: 13mm (ladies'), 17mm (mid size), 19mm (men's date) and 20mm (men';s date just). Sport watches like the Rolex Tudor Submariner were also manufactured in black like the Rolex Submariner and also with blue dial. Throughout the years, some models such as the Rolex Tudor Ranger or the Rolex Tudor Ranger II have stood out for its outstanding arabic numbered dial on 3, 6 and 9 and the special orange hands like the Rolex Explorer II "Steeve MacQueen" and its particular dials signed in red. Other famous watches produced were the Rolex Tudor Alarm and the Rolex Tudor Day Date with its exceptionally size for that time

The majority of these watches has been made in Stainless Steel but we can find them in 14KT and 18KT Yellow Gold or two tone.
Rolex Tudor also joined Rolex in the manufacture of the watches nowadays known as Vintage, with cases, dials and hands similar to Rolex's.

Rolex Tudor always took advantage of their direct connection to Rolex in order to improve their sales. In addition, Rolex Tudor was conceived from the beginning as the "second" brand, which results in more moderate prices than its bigger, more famous brother. Rolex Tudor watches are sold through official and authorized Rolex retailers but the Tudor brand is not currently available in the United States. Still, it continues to be sold in Europe, Asia, Canada and Latin America.

The French Navy used Rolex Tudor watches for its divers, the first Rolex Tudor Submariners were purchased from the Marine Natioinale in the late 60`s. In addition, the same model was used by the US Navy for its UDT and the Navy Seals.

Rolex signed bracelets and crowns were part of the Tudor models up to 1990`s.

In 1997 Rolex signed a contract with the famous golf player Tiger Woods to advertise the Rolex Tudor Prince Chronograph. The first Rolex Tudor Chronograph Tiger Woods model came out with a variety of colored displays. Therefore, Rolex Tudor became a pioneer in exotic colored dials. One example could be the classic Rolex Tudor Tiger Woods model with soleil and red-signed black dial.

Even when it has an aristocratic name of its own, a Tudor still remains a Rolex.
Takk for info og linkene. Jeg har googlet masse, men ga til slutt opp og postet en tråd her for å få litt ryddehjelp i all infomasjonen:confused: Denne linken har jeg av en eller annen grunn ikke sett: Takk!

Kort oppsummering: Wildorf startet Tudor i 46, som et eget selskap. Tudor ble lansert som et rimeligere alternativ til Rolex med ETA verk. Tudor har brukt en del av Rolex' kasser, kroner, lenker og i enkelte tilfeller også urverk. Submarinerne var så å si identiske fra 56-midten av 90-tallet ( Subs).

Men jeg finner fremdeles ikke svar på enkelte spørsmål:
- Hvem eier Tudor i dag? Rolex?
- Skjedde det noe spesielt i forholdet Rolex-Tudor på midten av 90-tallet da Tudor sub forsvant?