Montres Magazine’s international research on the passion for Watches

3. sep. 2009
Jeg var med på en underøkelse om klokker en gang i 2011. Jeg har ikke satt meg inn i resultatet da det egentlig ikke har interesse for meg. Men kanskje for andre.

Har fått resultatet på PDF jeg ikke vet hvordan jeg kan få vist her så jeg tok kopi av teksten.

The Luxury Watch Observer
In 2011, OpinionWay and Montres Magazine launched an international research on the
passion for Watches. Here is an exclusive piece about the survey’s main findings.
3 readers out of 4 purchase watches they saw in Montres Magazine! A number which
underlines Montres Magazine’s strong influence on owners buying behaviors. In light of this fact, OpinionWay suggested
that we launched a qualitative and quantitative research on the passion for watches. The target comprised amateurs,
collectors, and our readers. This was a chance for us to meet with these watch amateurs, and strive to understand how
they live their passion. Hence, several questions arose, which we sought to answer: Who are these people so
passionate about watches today? Where do they come from? How do they live their passion?
To this aim, OpinionWay simultaneously launched two distinct researches:
First, an international research (comprising 52 countries) from a sample of 824 male luxury watches owners, recruited
through large websites specialized in high quality watches. It included two different targets:
Collectors (owning at least 5 watches of a value of $4 000 or more)
Enthusiasts (owning less than 5 watches of a value of $4 000 or more)
Secondly, a more specific research targeting Montres Magazine readers who answered the survey in the winter 2011
OpinionWay was born in March 2000 with a simple aim: offering innovative methods to market research. We work on
various domains, such as opinion surveys of course, but also marketing surveys, to understand different markets, brand
positioning, products and services development and we have developed a large experience of luxury markets in France and
around the world.
Which profiles arise in light of the survey?
Watch collectors
Gender: Male
Age: 45 years old in average
Income: Approximately half of the respondents earn more than $140 000 a year
Total of watches owned: 14 watches overall, and 5 watches of a value standing between
$4 000 to $14 000
More information: 65 % own at least one watch of a value standing between $14 000 and
$27 000
1 respondent out of 10 owns at least one watch of a value over $134 000
Main characteristics: the collector is proactive; he follows guidelines in his collection and seeks
quality above all
NB: A slightly older population is concerned here, with an overall higher income level than among
watch enthusiasts
Watch enthusiasts
Gender: Male
Age: 37 years old in average
Income: one-third earn more than $140 000 a year
Total of watches owned: 6 watches overall and 2 watches of a value standing between $4 000
and $14 000
More information: 2 respondents out of 10 own at least 1 watch of a value standing between
$14 000 and $27 000
Main characteristics: the enthusiast is a watch amateur who defines himself more as a
connoisseur in terms of watch aesthetics than a horology expert
Montres Magazine readers
Gender: Male
Age: 50% of the respondents are aged 35 to 49 years old
Income: Higher socio-professional categories
Total of watches owned: At least 1 watch of a value over $4000
More information: Watch purchased in the past 5 years
Watch collectors and enthusiasts both define themselves as amateurs with a passion for watches, and only a few of
them call themselves experts. Male respondents emphasize that they primarily buy watches for self-satisfaction.
Overall, the study depicts that a large majority of the respondents acquired their first watch before 30, and not in any
specific occasion. This point is rather important, as the act of purchase is mostly self-interested, and pleasure
and self-satisfaction prevail!
Another key fact: very few people have inherited luxury goods from their parents or ancestries. Hence, horology does not
seem to stem from family traditions. Indeed, only 1 respondent out of 10 has been initiated to horology by a parent or a
relative. A vast majority of the respondents developed their passion rather spontaneously, in a personal and voluntary
approach. According to collectors, « the more you get, the more you want »: the desire increases with each act of
purchase. Only a minority of respondents seem to have « caught the virus » while speaking with specialists.
Paradoxically, Montres Magazine readers are early amateurs whose passion comes from a family tradition.
Some mention family influence, and a few have started cultivating a taste for horology simply by purchasing
new watches. The main characteristic of Montres Magazine readers is that they acquired their first watch on a
special occasion, later in life than the respondents of the global research (between 26 and 45 years old). These
time-keeping utilities are thus silent witnesses of various rites of passage, such as weddings, anniversaries, or
professional successes.
According to collectors and enthusiasts, wearing a luxury watch is a sign of elegance, distinction and discretion. It
also stands as a means of self-identification, and allows them to stand out in society as a unique individual.
« Tell me what kind of watch you wear and I will tell you who you are … ».
Two other characteristics mentioned by enthusiasts deserve attention: emotion and souvenir. Even though the act of
purchase is not usually tied to any special event, it nevertheless epitomizes something important and valuable.
Communication comes fourth: wearing a watch enables one to share one’s passion, to go toward others, to start a
conversation. This feedback thus stands in sharp contrast from « show-off » stereotypes. Indeed, in light of this
research, the watch as a sign of success only comes last.
To Montres Magazine readers, a watch is also a sign of pride and inheritance – as family tradition played an
important role in triggering their passion.
"My first souvenir? Buying a Rolex with the money I first made
from casual jobs, and my parents offered to pay for the rest"
Most collectors and enthusiasts agree on the fact that the public interest in watches has been increasing for the past
twenty years. Praising high-quality watches has become a fashion trend in itself.
However, Montres Magazine readers hold a slightly different opinion: while a fashion bandwagon effect is
obvious, they note that the infatuation with watches has been constant for the past twenty years. This shift from
a traditional market to a modern fashionable market represents a profound, ground-breaking change.
A vast majority agrees that look and design are paramount while picking a luxury watch. It comes as no surprise that
collectors pay greater attention to the technicalities of the watch, while enthusiasts are primarily interested in the brand.
Note that the price factor is only mentioned by one-third of the respondents!
According to Montres Magazine readers, the brand and design are also more important than technicalities. More
surprising, the attractiveness of limited editions is not depicted as a general tendency in the global research.
Could it solely be a French characteristic? Besides, the watch case ought to exacerbate aesthetic traits: its
shape and diameter matter. Note that the thickness of the watch is more frequently mentioned than its
materials. Regarding complications, readers attach more importance to the origins of the movements, which
signals a certain sense of demand and rigor. Regarding the brand, the amateur likes to be told a great story
before looking into pragmatic details, such as after-sale services. Overall, it seems that a good communication
campaign could compensate a lack of expertise.
In average, collectors are willing to spend…
$93 800, versus $54 400 for enthusiasts.
This probably reflects their respective purchasing powers. What is striking is their patience! Indeed, collectors would be
willing to wait up to 7 months for the delivery of a model unavailable immediately, and 3 months for a repair. Enthusiasts
with aesthetic motivations are more demanding, as they would request an unavailable model to be delivered within 5
months, and a model to be repaired within 2 months.
Therefore, the richest do not appear as the most demanding luxury watches buyers.
“I bought my first luxury watch at Saint-Martin. It was a
Baume & Mercier brand model of a value of 9 000€. Three
years later, I went back to the store because I enjoyed the
feeling, the notion of exclusivity. I wanted to buy a better watch,
a more expensive watch … »
A vast majority of Montres Magazine’s readers get informed through the reviews in the specialized press and
magazines. According to the respondents, Internet only comes second as an information channel: 66% visit websites at
least once a week. They visit specialized websites, as well as luxury watches brands’ websites. More specifically, 3 out
of 10 respondents are collector clubs members. Most Internet users visit forums and blogs, but only 2 to 3
respondents out of 10 participate actively. In spite of this obvious 2.0 impetus, stores remain the first point of
purchase. Moreover, multi-brand stores are highly praised by collectors.
The act of purchase is depicted as an experience in itself, a souvenir. Both the store and the country in which the act of
purchase takes place tend do matter.
Interessant lesning, jeg ser jo nå at jeg bruker over gjennomsnittet mye penger på klokker sett i forhold
til hva jeg tjener:mrgreen: