The Watch Snob from


15. juli 2009
Noen som har hørt/lest om han?

Har lest noen av Q&A`s han har på Må si det er underholdende å lese gjennom, hehe..

Readers Q:
I think digital watches are really cool. The only problem is, now that I’m out of school, I have to wear a suit everyday to the office and I’m not sure that I can pull off a suit wearing a digital watch. Any advice?

The watch snob reply:
Your first problem is that you think digital watches are cool. Your second, and what may turn out to be your ultimate problem, is that you would even consider wearing one with a suit. (...)

Readers Q:
I always see my boss shaking his wrist to get his watch to tick -- what’s the deal with that and how come my watch ticks without having to shake it?

The Watch Snob reply:
Dear God, where do I begin? First, you just used the word “ticks” twice in one sentence -- never do that again. Second, your boss isn’t just shaking his wrist, he’s attempting to wind his seemingly high-end timepiece (although if he’s really “shaking” it, I may have to have some words with him too). (...)

Les mer her :p
Tror denne har vært oppe tidligere, da fant jeg frem dette sitatet, som jeg med glede gjentar:
However, if it is true that you are a person who does not like to follow the crowd, you need to remove Panerai from your purview immediately. It is the ultimate follower’s watch purchased by thousands of young suit-wearing professional types that have erections for their womanizing, bourbon-swilling and BMW-driving managing directors.
