
Jeg kan le av det meste, men siden jeg kjenner endel til vold mot kvinner synes jeg slike vitser i beste fall er ekstremt harry og smakløst ...
Jeg kan le av det meste, men siden jeg kjenner endel til vold mot kvinner synes jeg slike vitser i beste fall er ekstremt harry og smakløst ...

Helt greit å synes det. Humor er en vanskelig sjanger i tillegg til at folk har forskjellig ståsted og bakgrunn. Bredde er bra på alle plan synes jeg ellers blir det fort litt kjedelig.
Jeg kan le av slike vitser, men jeg vet at det til slutt er jeg som får bank når jeg kommer hjem uansett.
Vi har vel alle vært i denne tilstanden minst en gang:

Den var nok oppdiktet gitt:
An account of this incident circulated via e-mail in December 2010 (reproduced as the first item in the Examples section above) was presented as a 27 November Associated Press account of the incident. While the circulated account was indeed based on that very news article, it contained a paragraph not found in the original:

The suspect was transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken leg, possible broken ribs, assorted lacerations and bruises he obtained when he fell trying to run after stabbing the Marine.

(The audience is supposed to read between the lines in the preceding text and conclude that the suspect did not fall but rather was beaten by the other three Marines.)

None of the news accounts we examined indicated that Attaway was injured, either while being subdued or afterwards. That bit appears to be pure invention on the part of the person who inserted the additional paragraph into the news account, thereby transforming it into a "Don't mess with the Marines" object lesson.