
Lance the Creep
Er er et norge rundt innslag fra 1986, en reportasje fra VM i Basse som ble holdt i Tronheim.


HAahaHAHahahaHAHA, VM I BASSE !! LER SÅ JEG DØØØØR :D ;) :confused: :D
Gammel men god!!!

Tatt fra et norsk musikkforum på worldwideweb........ Grei han Skrapparkar
gitt... hehe

De medvirkende:
Person 1 (tilreisende utlending og norsk black-metal entusiast)
Person 2 (Skrapparkar...?)
Person 3 (en annen nordmann)

Person 1:
Hi! Im planning a trip top norway next year, and i want to be prepared. Wich
norwegian artist / band plays the most evil and satanic music? I'll ordner
the cd's, I think.

Person 2:
A group called DDE (Devils Death Ensemble) har released some classic satanic
art. Some of their trax: "Her blir det liv" (Resurrect the dead) "Vinsjan på<br>kaia" (Hanged by Satan) "Vi skal sjå sola ned i havet" (Bringing down the
sun) "Rai Rai" (Kill KIll) and "E6" (Road to hell) are truly desecrating
songs designed to bring forth visions of torment and hell. A crazy gang of
devil worshippers. Grellt! But the most evil and satanic art from Norway is
delivered by a guy who calls himself "Sputnik" (-satan- from old norse
literatur). Check out anything this guy has done. He is truly evil
incarnated. Truly a bad ass motherfucker.


Person 3:
Det der er dårlig gjort det....

Person 1:
Hi, Skrapparkar
Thank you for the recomendations.! Yesterday I ordered some cd's of DDE and
SPUTNIK. Im looking forward to enjoy some dark, evil music from the crib og
black metal, Norway. Do they scream and growl in English or norwegian? To
the others who have replied, please write in english as i do not speak
norwegian (other than a few words. Sputnik / Satan!). And why is Garth
Brooks mentioned? Country is crap!

Person 2:
DDE growls in an ancient dialect hailing from the viking-age; trøndersk.
Sputnik uses a form of dialect not heard in Norway since the black plague.
He is actually a very intellectual guy, he has a master-degree in ancient
norse linguistics. You will not regret checking out these masters of evil.
Enjoy and Burn in hell my foreign friend. See you at Inferno & be sure to
promote DDE and SPUTNIK to all your friends and allies. Hail! "
Denne kan være litt støtende ;)
Bildet er NBA-legenden Kobe Bryant, som er kjent for å ha meget fanatisk fans..og vel so da! :cool:
