Jeg må bare dele dette herlige forslaget til reklamefilm for Omega sin nye Railmaster. Forfattet av et meget skrivekyndig medlem av debattforumet :
Maybe show a mean 19th century steampunk type dude- a thick neck train engineer shoveling coal into the furnace of the train engine while another manly man with a beard checks his Railmaster to ensure they are on time, and then show a flash to the modern day with some tough guy rappelling down a cliff with his Railmaster watch on, "When precision is required, and conditions are extreme... manly men take the Railmaster with them."
Flash back to the old railroad guys and then forward to those guys who work on those high voltage power lines; then another one of a Coast Guard rescue guy in the water, dangling from a rope attached to a helicopter, with a drowning person in is arms... all wearing their Railmasters because, "When precision is required, and conditions are extreme, manly men wear their Railmaster."
Bob looks like a Marlborough Man, but he is actually a brain surgeon. He likes to wear a water proof
watch so he can easily wash the blood and flesh off after surgery. He worked hard to put himself through medical school, and always wanted one high quality
watch he could wear anywhere, every day. He doesn't like a lot of flash or to draw attention to himself, but he appreciates high quality and demands precision. There's a picture of Bob doing surgery with his Railmaster on, and then there's a picture of Bob in jeans and a t-shirt drinking beer with his friends, still wearing his beloved Railmaster.
Because if you're a man like Bob, who demands the very best but doesn't like a lot of flash, you wear a Railmaster. "When precision is required, and conditions are extreme, manly men wear the Raimaster."