Dagens klokke

Hjernen min smelter. Bezel på "The president's watch" har tall i motsatt rekkefølge enn normalt. Hva er greia med det? :)
Det er en nedtellingsbezel, i motsetning til den 'konvensjonelle' som vi er vant med. Sinn har dette også, særlig på pilotmodellene - f.eks. Sinn 104.

Fritt sitert av følgende svar gitt på et engelsk klokkeforum:
The bezel chapter can be a 'count down' or 'count up' indicator.
So it depends what you want to do, count down the end of a period of time or count up to the end of a period of time. As an example, divers would normally count down to the minutes left in the tank of air they are breathing after they commence their dive.

Therefore they know the limits of the dive and how many minutes of air they have for decompression. Run out of air by many minutes while ascending and you are pretty messed up if you don't have supplementary supply on hand.

Conversely, a pilot might like to know how many minutes have elapsed since the last way mark as they have to travel a positive 35 minutes until the next turn (counting up to the moment).

These are just adjustments in time keeping perspective that suit some situations and not others as far as time keepers are concerned. That perspective usually has other riders/critical factors that are more intuitive to understand if treated in a certain way. This also usually stems from convention within the field of operation where the time keeper is performing his function.