Dette gjør livet godt å leve - hverdags-edition


Gin Gjøres veldig lett ved å følge instruksjonene her .

Kort fortalt varmes voksen opp i vannbad og strykes på jakken med en svamp/klut. Bruker en hårtørker for å smelte voks i kroker og kriker slik at det blir jevnt. Bruk godt med voks på spesielt utsatte steder.
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Reaksjoner: Gin
Hadde jeg vært i det buret, så ville jeg sagt at livet er godt å leve - etterpå.
Sprek sardin.
Dagbladet har overdrevet noe...
Her er historien fra vedkommende som filmen hendelsen:
"On a recent great white shark cage diving trip we experienced a very rare event, a shark breaching the side of the cage. What might appear to be an aggressive great white shark trying to attack the cage, this is not the case. These awesome sharks are biting at large chunks of tuna tied to a rope. When a great white shark lunges and bites something, it is temporarily blinded. They also cannot swim backwards. So this shark lunged at the bait, accidentally hit the side of the cage, was most likely confused and not able to swim backwards, it thrust forward and broke the metal rail of the cage. There was a single diver inside the cage. He ended up outside the bottom of the cage, looking down on two great white sharks. The diver is a very experienced dive instructor, remained calm, and when the shark thrashed back outside the cage, the diver calmly swam back up and climbed out completely uninjured. The boat crew did an outstanding job, lifting the top of the cage, analyzing the frenzied situation, and the shark was out after a few long seconds. Everyone on the boat returned to the cages the next day, realizing this was a very rare event. The boat owner, captain, and crew are to be commended for making what could've been a tragic event into a happy ending. I'm sure God and luck had a bit to do with it too!

I want to return next year for another great white shark adventure!"

MEN - jeg hadde nok svimt av eller fått et hjerteinfarkt hadde det vært meg i buret.
Tom Waits
Heartattack and Vine
In Shades

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Erlend Ropstad
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På mine kjære Piegaer:) Ahh!
Bedre enn Rolex?
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Reaksjoner: maretranquillitatis