
Jo takk @Cagney
Feiringen skal bli tatt igjen. Skal heller ikke se bort i fra at vi skal våge oss tilbake. Alle kan gjøre feil. Muligens blir vi "invitert" tilbake på et nytt måltid på kjøkkenet.

Utrolig kjipt, men tipper dere spiser der gratis neste gang. En kompensasjon må jo dere få hvis dette skal være en skikkelig restaurant, og en stjerne skulle jo tilsi det.
Utrolig kjipt, men tipper dere spiser der gratis neste gang. En kompensasjon må jo dere få hvis dette skal være en skikkelig restaurant, og en stjerne skulle jo tilsi det.

Det ordner seg som regel for snille gutte :)
Her er svaret vi fikk i dag fra Social Eating House.
Legg merke til at de ikke kan garanterer bordplass ved Chef+s counter ved online-bestilling. Snodig siden de ringe deg opp dagen eller to i forveien for å få bekreftet bordbestillingen. En annen ting var at det var to ledige plasser ved Chef´s counter når jeg gikk ned for å sjekke status.

Good morning Mr. Zilla,

Thank you for your email and taking the time to write this feedback for us.

I’m sorry to hear you didn’t enjoy your experience with us, and naturally I can understand this frustration on your anniversary. Please accept my belated congratulations!

Please do be aware that we do can’t guarantee particular tables for bookings made online, and I’m sorry the chef’s counter was fully booked that evening.

As we do take all feedback very seriously I have passed on your concerns to our management team, who will investigate this further for you. I also do hope you are both now feeling better.

Kind regards,




58-59 Poland Street



Telephone: 020 7993 3251


From: Mr Zilla [mailto:mr.zilla@mac.com]
Sent: 23 April 2017 17:16
To: Reservations@SocialEatingHouse.com
Subject: Feedback in regards to huge let down experience, Table for 2 on Friday, 14 April 2017 at 07:00 pm, Confirmation #: 166946XXXX

Dear Sirs

I am referring to the reservastion for: Table for 2 on Friday, 14 April 2017 at 07:00 pm Confirmation #: 166946XXXX

On Fiday 29th of april 2016 at 12:00 - 02:00 pm we had a lovely lunch at The Social Eating House, and we booked a tablet down the cellar next to the kitchen. It was a great experience with great food and wine.

So hence we wanted to try out the dinner menu next time we were going to London.

My husband and myself had anniversary so we decide to eat our anniversary dinner at Social Eating House. In the booking, we stated that we wanted to reserve table down the cellar next to the kitchen.

Unfortunately, when we came to the restaurant, we were seated in the restaurant itself. We though not to make a fuzz about it... Maybe it was fully booked? Or maybe not? However, we received the menu and we went for a sparkling English rose for a aperitif. We decided to go for the al carte menu. I went for the quail/duck starter and my husband for the crab salad. After 5 minutes the starter arrived.... but where was the matching wine? The waiter came by and he had to call the sommelier... so half way to eat our starter, the white wine was finally served.... The starter was nice though. Recommend the quail if your into garlic, and I also tried the crab salad. The crab salad was fresh but maybe too simply. When the waiter came to pick up our clean plates, we politely hinted that we wanted not to rush the main course. He agreed.

Then just 5 minutes later, the main course was served!!! My husband was in the toilet, but still the food was served. And again, where was the matching wine???? The waiter came again... and again he had to call the sommelier..... and again, half way our main course, we were served wine. Big let down... I had the sea bass - bit similar pallet to the starter... since they both where quite garlicky. My husband had the hare - ok meal.

To summarize: we arrived at 7:10 pm... and at 8:10 pm we had paid our bill and we were walking in the streets and we went back to our hotel.... the dishes was served to quickly, we did not get the seated we had booked and we were the missing wine to both stared and main meal. This was huge let down. 200 pounds out of the window. Food itself tasted ok, but the service..this restaurant should not have one Michelin star :(

But unfortunately, it did not stop here….. 3 am I woke up and felt really sick! I started to vomit, and it would not stop! I vomited 4 times per hour from 3 am until 6pm, so I stayed in bed all day. I also got diarrhea.

It was so bad my husband had to call a doctor to our hotel. Its cost us a fortune to get the doctor to pay a visit. He had to get me injection so I could stop vomiting. I have stomach aches as well, so this might been food posing. My husband also had diarrhea but he did not throw up. So this was a nasty experience. The doctor told us to inform you about this matter, since this can be food poising. Please see the enclosed invoice from the doctor.

So unfortunately, we had not a great anniversary in London. I enclose our invoice of the dinner we ate, since there could have been something with the food.

I hope you can look into this.


Ms Zilla & Mr Zilla
Får håpe "the managment team" er mer fremoverlent og løsningsorientert enn det Monique på booking er.

Matforgiftning på restauranter i England er dessverre ganske vanlig - har selv dessverre opplevd dette noen ganger. Dette skyldes ikke nødvendigvis at kjøkkenet gjør noen feil. Det er dessverre som regel de andre gjestenes dårlige hygiene ved toalett besøk o.l. som kan skape problemer.

Viktig derfor å ikke "ta på ting" på vei fra toalettet tilbake til bordet.
Min kone som har fått noen "karameller" nettopp i London, har nå alltid med seg Antibac i vesken og bruker dette bestandig ved retur til bordet.
Bruker ikke alle dette i utlandet? Så lenge man er utenfor sin egen bakterieflora(grovt sett Norge), bør dette være standardinnhold i håndbagasjen, og like selvsagt som pass imho.

Ellers, godt å vite hvor man skal unngå i London da. Maken til unnvikende svar fra restauranten!
Her er vårt svar til Monique

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ed Zilla <ed.zilla@mac.com>
Subject: Re: Feedback in regards to huge let down experience, Table for 2 on Friday, 14 April 2017 at 07:00 pm, Confirmation #: 1669468XXXX
Date: 24 April 2017 at 15:00:10 GMT+2
To: "Reservations@SocialEatingHouse.com" <reservations@socialeatinghouse.com>

Dear Monique
Thanks for your reply. I appreciate that you are looking into this - especially in regards to the lacking service and the food poising. I am feeling better now but I almost was not able to travel home. Luckily the doctor gave me an injection so I was able to stop throwing up in the evening.
So I do hope you are looking into this matter and can give us a fair compensation.
Just a comment in regards to the booking made and the chefs counter.
Your restaurant gave my husband a ring 3 days prior booking to confirm that we were coming to the restaurant. But we was not informed that there was no available seats at the chefs counter. So we got the impression that this was ok. Being said, we actually discovered 2 available seats at the chefs counter when we was in the restaurant... We just wanted to mention this.

Best regards
Ms Zilla &
Mr Zilla
Her er deres siste svar

From: "Reservations@SocialEatingHouse.com" <reservations@socialeatinghouse.com>
Subject: RE: Feedback in regards to huge let down experience, Table for 2 on Friday, 14 April 2017 at 07:00 pm, Confirmation #: 166946XXXX
Date: 24 April 2017 at 15:10:47 GMT+2
To: Ed Zilla <ed.zilla@mac.com>

Dear Mrs Zilla,
Thank you for your response.
That could nearly have been disastrous! Of course something that should have been avoided altogether.
I am sorry this was not made clear about the chef’s counter over the phone, and that we didn’t accommodate your request on the night if we did have availability. Your experience is already under investigation, and the relevant managers will get back to you to discuss further soon.
I do hope this is all cleared up for you, and again please accept my apologies for your inconvenience.
Have a lovely day,

58-59 Poland Street
Telephone: 020 7993 3251
Ikke hold pusten.
Da jeg ble kontaktet av Social Eating House etter vårt katastrofale besøk kom de aldri tilbake til oss etterpå.
Dette var forresten "the Restaurant Manager".:rolleyes:
  • Liker
Reaksjoner: Christoffer91
Ikke hold pusten.
Da jeg ble kontaktet av Social Eating House etter vårt katastrofale besøk kom de aldri tilbake til oss etterpå.
Dette var forresten "the Restaurant Manager".:rolleyes:

Noen som omkom under måltidet?
Nok et svar fra Social Eating House.
Nå begynner det nesten å bli morsomt.

From: Neil Mendoza <neilmendoza@socialeatinghouse.com>
Subject: Social Eating House
Date: 25 April 2017 at 11:10:56 GMT+2
To: "ed.zilla@mac.com" <ed.zilla@mac.com>
Cc: Emily Chan <emilychan@thesocialcompany.co.uk>

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Zilla,

Thank you for your email regarding your recent dining experience at Social Eating House. I am sorry to hear that you did not have a great experience with us and also suffered from illness and would like to look into this further.

We take such matters extremely seriously at Social Eating House and a full and comprehensive investigation will be carried out.

As part of our company health and safety responsibility and policy, our internal H&S Manager will conduct the investigation. I would be grateful if you can fill in a short form detailing the foods you consumed and other relevant information (please find attached) and return to us as soon as possible.

Investigations such as this can take a few weeks to conclude, therefore we would ask for your patience whilst we carry out the work.

Please be assured that our investigation will be thorough and concise.

If you have any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. Once again, thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Yours Faithfully,
Neil Mendoza

General Manager

Social Eating House
58 Poland Street
London, W1F 7NR

T: (020) 7993 0474

Alleged food poisoning questionnaire v2.jpg
Her er vårt svar:

Dear Neil Mendoza

Please see the enclosed questionnaire. I also include the report from the doctor with the statement of the diagnose together with the treatment.
I also include in invoice from the doctor. Since I was not able to leave the room, we had to make the hotel call for a doctor. He came to our hotel, Saturday evening, so the cost was rather high!
I nearly was not able to fly home the next day. Luckily the doctor gave me a injection + medicine to stop the vomiting.

If you need more information, the doctor can answer more questions.

I hope to hear from you again shortly and that you can give us a compensation for both the lacking service and the illness.

Best regards

Ms Zilla
Vi er fortsatt ikke i mål.

Subject: Notification of illness - Social Eating House - Ms & Mr Zilla - 14.04.2017
Date: 26 April 2017 at 10:31:36 GMT+2
To: "ed.zilla@mac.com" <ed.zilla@mac.com>

Good Morning Ms Zilla,
My name is XXXXX and I am a consultant with a company called XXX Alert. We advise The Social Company on food safety and hygiene and I have been asked to conduct an investigation into your notification of illness.
I have been sent through a notification of illness form detailing the illness that you both experienced and also a copy of the report from the doctor that you sought medical advise from. However I would just like confirmation from yourselves that the information below is correct:
Date / Time: 14th April 2017 @ 7pm

No. of Guests: 2 - Ms Zilla & Mr Zilla - both guests unwell

Food Consumed: Quail & Crab salad / Seabass / rabbit loin / mixed vegetables

Onset of Symptoms: 4:30am on 15th April 2017.

Symptoms: Severe vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, stomach cramps

Duration of symptoms: 48 hours

Medical Advise Sought: Yes - advice and examination by Dr Patrick Sheehan. Report provided. No stool samples taken.
Once I have confirmation that the above details are correct I will proceed with my investigation. We will then respond to you in writing regarding the outcome of the investigation.

I look forward to hearing from you and I hope you are both feeling much better.
Kind regards and thank-you for your assistance.

Her er vårt svar

From: ed Zilla <ed.zilla@crack.com>
Subject: Re: Notification of illness - Social Eating House - Ms & Mr Zilla - 14.04.2017
Date: 26 April 2017 at 11:34:58 GMT+2
To: xx xxx <xx@xxxx.com>

Dear XXX

I confirm that the information below is correct. I just want to specify that I, Ms Zilla, was vomiting 4 times by hour until the doctor came and gave me an injection to stop vomiting.
And we both had diarrhea for more than 48 hours. The correct hours for diarrhea is 72 hours.


Ms Zilla &
Ed Zilla