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The Library of Jean-Claude Sabrier
Now on Display at F.P. Journe

There’s now one more reason to visit F.P. Journe’s fabled workshop in the heart of Geneva: the exhibition space of the historic building that is already home to an historically important astronomical clock made for the Exposition Universelle in Paris in 1855 by C.L. Detouche, ceiling frescoes from approximately 1550 once gracing the abode of astronomer Apianus, and a breathtaking resonance precision regulator made by Antide Janvier now also boasts the arrival of nearly one thousand books, manuscripts, letters, and catalogues once belonging to the extensive horological library of Jean-Claude Sabrier.


Sabrier, who passed away at the age of 76 in November 2014, was a celebrated horological expert and distinguished historian. He is rightfully viewed as one of the great names in horological knowledge at a time when such expertise was rare to the brink of extinction. And he was a close confidante of François-Paul Journe, accompanying him through both the early and the later stages of his own stellar career.



François-Paul Journe found it inconceivable to think that this collection of printed material could be separated, dispersed, and scattered in any and every direction. Thus, Journe commissioned a generous custom-made cabinet to exhibit the unique library’s contents in a place no better suited to holding them: the light and airy exhibition space of the F.P. Journe Manufacture in Geneva.

This library is a testimony to the depth, extent, and pertinence of Jean-Claude Sabrier’s research on the lives and achievements of the world’s greatest master watchmakers. It constitutes a body of work containing crucial technical and historical insights indispensable to understanding these creative men and their achievements.

These printed manuscripts contain veritable treasure, written by greats Masters from the history of horology such as Ferdinand Berthoud, Pierre Le Roy, Antide Janvier, Abraham Louis Breguet, Thomas Mudge, and others.
The full press release and high definition pictures are downloadable from the following links :

Large View : http://www.fpjourne.com/db_press/images/evt/bsabri/TR_05_def.zip

Zoom Books : http;// www.fpjourne.com/db_press/images/evt/bsabri/TR_08_def.zip

Press release : http://www.fpjourne.com/db_press/images/evt/bsabri/bsabri_fr.pdf

F.P.Journe - Invenit et Fecit
17 rue de l’Arquebuse
1204 Genève - Suisse
Tél: + 41-22 322 09 09
Tel: + 41 22 322 09 02

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Montres Journe SA · Rue de l'Arquebuse 17 · Genève 1204 · Switzerland

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Reaksjoner: sunshine
Sakset fra http://www.watchonista.com/fpjourne/news/library-jean-claude-sabrier-fpjourne

JUL. 15, 2015


Jean Claude Sabrier, horological expert and distinguished historian, was one of the great names in Horology.

When his horological library was offered at auction on 15 June in Paris, the Manufacture F.P.Journe acquired all 273 lots, (almost a thousand books) for the sum of 760 000 CHF.

A 40-Year Friendship

Jean-Claude Sabrier and François-Paul Journe first met 40 years ago in Paris; at the time they were 35 and 17 years old respectively. Each man immediately recognized in each other a kindred spirit: both were irresistibly drawn to the mysteries and great achievements that mark the history of watchmaking.

A profound friendship based on mutual respect sprang up between the two men. F.P.Journe will honor and perpetuate this enduring friendship through an upcoming exhibition featuring this unique library, which contains manuscripts by Ferdinand Berthoud, Pierre Le Roy, Antide Janvier ... all of which will be prominently displayed in the Geneva Manufacture.

Jean-Claude Sabrier was also a recognized international expert in the world of Horology. His studies of the lives and achievements of the master watchmakers constitute a body of work containing crucial technical and historical insights.

The idea that his library - a testimony to the depth, extent, and pertinence of his research - might be scattered was unthinkable; a wasted opportunity that F.P.Journe found unimaginable. Instead, he resolved to reunite these important books at his Manufacture. They will be exhibited in a custom-made cabinet that is currently being constructed, to honor J.-C. Sabrier’s memory and to celebrate the deep friendship between the two men.

Jean-Claude Sabrier | Biography
Born in 1938 in Normandy, France - († 29.11.2014)

Born into a family of jewellers, Jean-Claude Sabrier quickly abandoned that field to become an antique dealer specialising in collectible horology in Normandy. At the same time, he began acquiring the basis of the vast store of knowledge that would make him one of horology’s greatest experts. Beginning in the 1980’s, he worked for over a decade with the auctioneer Hervé Chayette, to organise the very first specialised auctions of collectible horology.

One of the world's foremost horological experts, from 1960 to 1980 Jean-Claude Sabrier was a consultant for the Musée des Arts et Techniques at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris, as well as for the Evreux, Rouen, Toulouse, Tours, and Blois Museums and the Time Museum in Rockford, Illinois, USA. He was also a corresponding member of the Scientific Council of the Institut l'homme et le temps.

Author and co-author of many articles appearing in specialised journals, he also helped organise many exhibitions. Along with Bernard Seneca, he wrote the Evreux Museum watch catalogue; he was a co-author, along with Catherine Cardinal, of the book published for the exhibition on Ferdinand Berthoud at the Musée international d'horlogerie (1984) and for the exhibition ”La dynastie des Le Roy, horlogers du Roi” at the Tours Museum. He and Anthony Randall wrote the Time Museum’s Catalogue of Chronometers; and he was one of the authors of the catalogue of the 1997 exhibition “Abraham Louis Breguet 1743-1823, L'art de mesurer le temps”, held at the Musée international d’horlogerie.

Beginning in 1980, he and Hervé Chayette in Paris organised the first specialised sales of collectible horology. In 1988 he became one of the directors of Antiquorum in Geneva, where he was the principal expert writing the catalogues for auctions of collectible watches, clocks, and regulators. In 1994, his book “La longitude en mer à l'heure de Louis Berthoud et Henri Motel”, won a Naval Academy prize.

In 1977, he received a Gaïa Award pour his entire body of work.

On August 1, 2000, Jean-Claude Sabrier left Antiquorum to become a consultant of the Swatch Group, in charge of historic and cultural heritage, and a consultant to Nicolas Hayek (the group’s founder) for the purchases of collectible watches for the group’s museums. He wrote the catalogue “Breguet in the Hermitage”, for an exhibition of historical Breguet watches held in Saint Petersburg from June to September 2004.

In 2006, Jean-Claude Sabrier and Georges Rigot co-wrote the book “Steel Time”, about the gunmetal watches produced between 1850 and 1910, which foreshadow the history of modern wristwatches. In 2012, Jean-Claude Sabrier wrote “The Self-Winding Watch: 18th-21st Century”, published by the Cercle d’Art. The book offers a detailed account of the research done on mechanisms, production techniques, and materials, in the quest to achieve perfection in a mechanical watch. He and his friend Georges Rigot were working on a new book about the souscription watch.

Jean-Claude Sabrier was also a member of the Jury of the GaÏa Awards, the influential and prestigious prize awarded by the Musée International d’Horlogerie in La Chaux de Fonds for excellence in the field of research, singling out the best work in the fields of creation and manufacturing of time measurement instruments.

He left us too soon at the age of 76, but his many books and reference works will allow future generations to better understand watches and their mechanisms …
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