Generell snikksnakk

I dag blir det spesielt god middag. Festivalmiddag.

Det var første gang at kokken brukte varmluft/dampovn for å koke hodene. I fjor hadde vi problemer med mengde og kjeler. Ovnen gav et litt svor-liknende skinn og vi måtte ha mye vann i pannen. Utsøkt uansett!

From a Friend... Another Day in the USA

On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 2:10 PM Ted R wrote:

Don't want to stand in a long line on voting day so I left for Bisbee, at 7:15, for early voting.

Down at the exit to this geezer village, where I live, waiting for traffic so I can head south. Finally, the last car goes by, a dark gray Tahoe undercover Sheriff's car. There was one more car heading south, a white car with the headlights on, but it was about 3/4 of a mile away.

I get up to speed and stay about 200 feet behind the Tahoe. The white car is now behind me, very close, with lots of traffic going north, lots of traffic, the white car can't pass.

The white car keeps pulling out across the center line to pass, but too much traffic.

The white car now has the high beams on and is riding the centerline to keep the lights in my mirror. I remotely adjust my mirror.

The white car must be in a big hurry, it keeps trying to pass!

I finally get to St. David, a 35 zone, and the little white car must really be in a hurry now!!!

School zone ahead, speed limit 15mph! But NO traffic heading north. All south bound traffic slows down to 15mph. Except the little white car!

The little white car goes past me, California plates, across the center turn lane, into the north bound lane heading south, in the 15mph school zone, with a crossing guard, and the little white car is a White VW, like Paul's black one. And that little white car is gone!

And the gray Tahoe all of a sudden has all the lights going, siren going, and children and crossing guard scatter!!!

just before the Border Patrol Station 2 other Sheriff Tahoe patrol cars, and that gray one, had that high speed VW pulled over!

As I drive by very slow, I see the person driving the car is a girl and the girl driving the car is wearing steel bracelets, behind her back, :eek: new fashion? And she is crying!

But not my problem!

Trying to find a tear for her but I'm laughing inside.
Sympathy? Found it in the dictionary again. I have the page bookmarked.
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Reaksjoner: Grendel og Erik_SG
Datter fyller straks sju, og jeg tenkte kanskje det kunne være en ide med en spillkonsoll, for å fordele skjermtiden over på mer sosiale aktiviteter. Men hva er det som gjelder nå? Hva vil funke for en sjuåring og også resten av familien? På den tida jeg interesserte meg for sånn var det Nintendo som gjaldt. Men den nye Nintendoen skjønner jeg lite av. Er det en gameboy eller konsoll liksom? Vi kjøpte nylanseringen av NES da den kom, men har aldri blitt brukt. Så jeg er litt i tvil. Noen forslag?
Mine barn elsker Nintendo. Så en Nintendo Switch Lite med spillet Animal Crossing ville vært mitt førstevalg.
Mulig å begrense spilltid med å styre skjermtid i egen app fra mor og fars mobiltelefon.
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Reaksjoner: OddE og bragemann
Vi har xbox og barna synes det er stas. Der er også en slags netflix løsning for spill slik at man kan spille mye forskjellig.
Fordelen med "orntlig " konsoll er at far også kan bruke den av og til.
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Reaksjoner: bragemann
Mine barn elsker Nintendo. Så en Nintendo Switch Lite med spillet Animal Crossing ville vært mitt førstevalg.
Mulig å begrense spilltid med å styre skjermtid i egen app fra mor og fars mobiltelefon.

-Har en Switch til arvingen selv, og er meget fornøyd - én ting er at Nintendo har vært ivrigere enn de øvrige konsollprodusentene på at de skal ha familievennlige spill - lite gladvold på en Switch, for å si det slik - men appen som lar deg bedrive en viss foreldrekontroll fungerer glimrende; man kan som Edzilla sier styre skjermtid, og om det skulle være noe ekstraordinært - sykt barn og litt ekstra underholdningsbehov, eller en lillebror som har sneket til seg konsollen da broren la den fra seg for så å ha spilt opp resten av tiden for den dagen - så er det trivielt å gi litt ekstra tilgang gjennom appen uten noe pes.

Veldig gjennomtenkt løsning. Dessuten er Mario bare å finne på Nintendo. 'nuff said?
For en sjuåring er det nok Switch som gjelder. Om du husker Nintendo 64 eller eldre, finnes flere av de spillene til Nintendo 3DS på Nintendos eShop. Likevel, spør henne like greit først som sist, så gjør du ikke feil.
Nå vet jeg ikke om det finnes VR til Switch også, men PlayStation har sitt PSVR, og det er kjempemorsomt å spille Beat Saber eller andre VR-spill på den:
"Litt" prisforskjell, da - PlayStation 4 Pro (eller om du venter på 5, som visstnok kommer i november) pluss to PS Motionkontroller pluss PSVR-briller og oppsett pluss spill blir fort dyrt - så dyrt at jeg ikke vil regne på det så jeg selv blir klar over hvor mye jeg har brukt. Ikke vet jeg hvilke foreldrekontroller den har heller, men jeg kan se etter når jeg kommer hjem senere, om det er interessant.
Selv må jeg nok ha en PS5, om så kun for remaken av Demon's Souls, og så får heller slekta få en pakke knekkebrød på deling til julegave.
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Reaksjoner: bragemann
@Erik_SG, @OddE There was mention of The Congo & Singapore from another theme / post which brought back some memories.

I was in the Congo in the 70s I remember we went to a place called "The Blue Anchor Club or Le Blue Bar" it wasn't my cup of tea, so I got a taxi, not being able to speaking French or Swahili I had to draw a picture of the ship, then I didn't have enough cash to pay, only Kuwaiti money as I recently sold some blood to the Kuwait blood bank, they said ½ liter but I'm sure they took more. Then remembered that I'd put some cash in my sock which I was told to do just in case something happens.

Then off to Singapore. It was my first time there, I was only 15 / 16 yrs of age at that time, and there was more education on it's way. Some of the guys had been to Singapore before, they took me down to "Boogie Street". They thought they would have some fun and tell The girls" I was a cherry boy, "The girls" they were around me like bees to honey pot. My so - called friends were having a really good laugh at my expense. This also wasn't my cup of tea either, when you found out what sort of "girls" they were.

@Erik_SG, @OddE There was mention of The Congo & Singapore from another theme / post which brought back some memories.

-I've (mostly) got only good memories from both places; as we're in the chitchat thread and walking down memory lane, I'll add a couple of (hopefully amusing) tidbits of my own:

First time I went to Singapore, I was supposed to be on summer leave, but because reasons (and lack of available personnel), I was asked to do one job in Sing before going on holiday. I really wasn't in the mood for it, having just completed a grand tour of Sub-Saharan Africa, so I told them I'd do it if they shacked me up in Raffles Hotel for the duration. Fifteen minutes later, customer rep calls me back and asks whether I am okay with a deluxe room, or do they have to spring for a suite? Just get the hell to the airport, chop, chop.

So off to Singapore I go. After working at Keppel (out in Benoi) until I could hardly stand on my feet, I jump in a cab up to Raffles for a shower and bedtime. Anyway, half asleep as I am, I just chuck off my shoes outside my room, as was the custom on some of the less reputable vessels I'd worked on - and, five minutes later, fast asleep.

Next morning? I find my work shoes outside, polished within an inch of their lives. Sigh.

Took me ages chasing down the poor sod who'd been stuck with my battered work shoes for hours during the night. He received a (very) generous tip. I brought my civvies out to Keppel that day, so that I could shower and change there. I've never felt as out of place as I did when I walked from the lobby to my room at Raffles in coveralls. I'll have to hand it to the staff, though - they didn't bat an eyelid, though I guess they would have if I'd made for the bar. :)

As for the Congo, I went there several times in 2008-2009 - stayed in Pointe-Noire on the coast. Not a major holiday location, to put it mildly. Usually flew in to Brazzaville, then jumped a domestic flight to the coast. Brilliant idea.

Once I sat down in my seat in a battered, old 737 and find there's something a bit odd, though I cannot really put my finger on it. After a while, it dawns on me; on the seat back in front of me, there's a faded sticker stating 'Livvest under setet dykkar'. Some quick E-mails sent off to SAS and Boeing after I'd returned to Norway, and it turns out the plane had been sold for scrap in 1993 (methinks) as it no longer complied with EU noise regulations; through some (presumably shady) route it had wound up in the Congo. Boeing flat out suggested that the plane wasn't as much flying as not having crashed yet, seeing as they'd hardly sold any parts to that airframe since the nineties and who knew where the parts to keep it flying had come from...

Good times.
-I've (mostly) got only good memories from both places; as we're in the chitchat thread and walking down memory lane, I'll add a couple of (hopefully amusing) tidbits of my own:

First time I went to Singapore, I was supposed to be on summer leave, but because reasons (and lack of available personnel), I was asked to do one job in Sing before going on holiday. I really wasn't in the mood for it, having just completed a grand tour of Sub-Saharan Africa, so I told them I'd do it if they shacked me up in Raffles Hotel for the duration. Fifteen minutes later, customer rep calls me back and asks whether I am okay with a deluxe room, or do they have to spring for a suite? Just get the hell to the airport, chop, chop.

So off to Singapore I go. After working at Keppel (out in Benoi) until I could hardly stand on my feet, I jump in a cab up to Raffles for a shower and bedtime. Anyway, half asleep as I am, I just chuck off my shoes outside my room, as was the custom on some of the less reputable vessels I'd worked on - and, five minutes later, fast asleep.

Next morning? I find my work shoes outside, polished within an inch of their lives. Sigh.

Took me ages chasing down the poor sod who'd been stuck with my battered work shoes for hours during the night. He received a (very) generous tip. I brought my civvies out to Keppel that day, so that I could shower and change there. I've never felt as out of place as I did when I walked from the lobby to my room at Raffles in coveralls. I'll have to hand it to the staff, though - they didn't bat an eyelid, though I guess they would have if I'd made for the bar. :)

As for the Congo, I went there several times in 2008-2009 - stayed in Pointe-Noire on the coast. Not a major holiday location, to put it mildly. Usually flew in to Brazzaville, then jumped a domestic flight to the coast. Brilliant idea.

Once I sat down in my seat in a battered, old 737 and find there's something a bit odd, though I cannot really put my finger on it. After a while, it dawns on me; on the seat back in front of me, there's a faded sticker stating 'Livvest under setet dykkar'. Some quick E-mails sent off to SAS and Boeing after I'd returned to Norway, and it turns out the plane had been sold for scrap in 1993 (methinks) as it no longer complied with EU noise regulations; through some (presumably shady) route it had wound up in the Congo. Boeing flat out suggested that the plane wasn't as much flying as not having crashed yet, seeing as they'd hardly sold any parts to that airframe since the nineties and who knew where the parts to keep it flying had come from...

Good times.
Interesting story about the 737. It emphasizes the importance of doing good research with choosing air companies when traveling to some exotic destinations. Even though the story is some years old, you’ll never know:cool: Talking about Congo, here’s a snapshot from DRC, Kinshasa airport on the other side of the river from Brazzaville last winter:
Oh dear...

Chelsea is an affluent, cosmopolitan district in Central London known for its posh residents, high-end shopping and popular football club
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Reaksjoner: Grendel